Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

19 November 2021
Not so long ago, in a galaxy not so far away… democracy was in danger. Our current political environment is filled with threats to democracy, from the rise of authoritarian…
16 November 2021
Ayse Kaya and Olivia Stoetzer, accredited COP26 observers, summarise the summit and highlight the progress and tensions that led to its climate finance outcomes. COP26 in Glasgow…
15 November 2021
Courtenay Cabot Venton provides a snapshot of perspectives from a large group of Global South leaders… The world is currently at an inflection point that could enable the…
12 November 2021
Although the economies of Hungary and Poland have by now completed their post-1989 transitions and have reached the developed economy status, their politics have derailed…
09 November 2021
Following the messy military withdrawal from Afghanistan, many questions remain for NATO and its member states. With concerns that the United States’ growing reluctance to remain…
04 November 2021
Constructions and Instrumentalizations of the Past: A Comparative Study of Memory Management in the Region edited by Ninna Mörner. CBEES State of the Region Report. Stockholm:…
03 November 2021
Petra Minnerop argues that finalising the Rulebook on Article 6 Paris Agreement is essential for increasing and achieving states‘ ambitions. Science based legal targets must…
29 October 2021
Harry T Dyer calls on all social media platforms to take more responsibility for the communities they foster, and the voices and discourses they emphasise and minimise online. In…
28 October 2021
Felix Westeren explores the values that should underpin effective climate change policy and the difficult question of how we weigh sacrifices in the present against wellbeing…
27 October 2021
Attributing credulity to sloppy thinking or ignorance is tempting, but doesn't advance our understanding of post-truths and conspiracy theories. Steven Pinker’s new book is all…