Westminster Foundation for Democracy

Westminster Foundation for Democracy

Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) is the UK’s public body dedicated to strengthening democracy around the world. Alongside the organisation’s work on elections and with political parties, parliaments and civil society, WFD’s research programme aims to build an evidence base for democracy support and improve the quality of democracy assistance. In addition, its in-house expert advisers on democracy and governance issues develop tools, guides and comparative studies on their topics of expertise.

Post Archive

Rafael Jimenez Aybar argues that civil society and empowered publics play vital roles in creating the political space for new climate commitments. People all over the…
Franklin De Vrieze, the WFD’s Senior Governance Advisor, explores the potentials and pitfalls of the UK sanctioning corrupt foreign officials. Human rights violators should…
Rosie Campbell and Shannon O’Connell introduce a new research report on the benefits of women political leaders. As women’s equality activists, we are often questioned: Why is…
Victoria Hasson explores the potential pitfalls of virtual parliaments and how innovation in response to the pandemic must only be pursued if it points in a more democratic…
The progress achieved towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) might be maintained or could be thrown out of the window by today’s decisions on how to deal with the debt…
Shannon O’Connell, from the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, argues that COVD-19 epidemic is an opportunity to push the ‘restart’ button on women’s role in society…