Markus H.-P. Müller’s research focuses mainly on the structural transformation of economies and societies and on sustainability. He has authored several books and articles on the transformation of society and economies and is a columnist for the Global Policy Journal at Durham University. Markus is Global Head of the Chief Investment Office of Deutsche Bank Private Bank and in June 2022 he also took on the role of Chief Investment Officer Sustainability.
He is co-chair of Deutsche Bank’s Nature Advisory Panel and a member of the Steering Council of the Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance (ORRAA).
Markus began his career at Deutsche Bank in DB Research as Executive Assistant to the Chief Economist. During his studies at Münster University in Germany, he acquired broad international experience with focus on China, later working as an Economist at Allianz Life Insurance in Shanghai. Markus has held teaching posts in corporate finance and economics, being a visiting scholar at the Frankfurt School of Finance and the University of Bayreuth as well as at the Banking and Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Tashkent.
In January 2019 Markus published his first book under the title „Neo-Ordoliberalismus – Zukunftsmodell für die Soziale Marktwirtschaft“ at Springer-Gabler. The second book was published in May 2021 under the title “Deutschland und China zwischen Kooperation und Konkurrenz”. His latest book was published in April 2024 under the title “India in the 21st Century – On its way to a post-industrial economy”.