Amrita Narlikar

Amrita Narlikar

Prof. Dr Amrita Narlikar is the President of the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and Professor of International Relations. She is also Honorary Fellow of Darwin College, University of Cambridge; non-resident Senior Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation (ORF); and non-resident Distinguished Fellow of the Australia India Institute.

Prior to moving to Germany, Amrita held the position of Reader in International Political Economy at the University of Cambridge, UK. She was also Senior Research Associate at the Centre for International Studies at the University of Oxford from 2003 to 2014. She read for her M.Phil. and D.Phil. at Balliol, Oxford, and held a Junior Research Fellowship at St John’s, Oxford.

Amrita’s expertise lies in the areas of multilateralism, international negotiation, World Trade Organization, and also rising powers. Her research has been published in the top, peer-reviewed journals in the field, including International Affairs, Journal of European Public Policy, International Politics, and The World Economy. She has authored/ edited 13 books, including Poverty Narratives in International Trade Negotiations and Beyond in 2020; Bargaining with a Rising India: Lessons from the Mahabharata (co-authored) 2014; and The Oxford Handbook on the World Trade Organization (co-edited) 2012. 

The policy relevance of her research brings Prof. Narlikar into frequent exchange with practitioners. She engages in policy and public outreach via speaking events, policy briefings (e.g. for Brookings, CIGI, ORF, IFO, and other think-tanks), and op-eds for international news outlets. 

For full list of publications and for further details, please see here.

Post Archive

Amrita Narlikar argues that while U.S. Vice President J.D. Vance’s speech at the Munich Security Conference stirred outrage in Europe, it also introduced valuable…
In Memoriam - Donny Bhawalkar Narlikar aka #VeryGoodBoy Dear friends and supporters, Many of you have wished Don and me well over the years. So I share this tragic news with you…
Nora Kürzdörfer and Amrita Narlikar call for a recognition of the Global South’s umbrella identity, along with key differentiations within it. Earlier this year, in the run-…
Why do we pet dogs and cull birds? Professor Amrita Narlikar advocates cross-species rights – not just to protect against pandemics. HM: Ms Narlikar, why do you advocate for…
What leads to arrogance towards the Global South, what German foreign policy can do better and why India does not belong in the same corner as China. Amrita Narlikar is President…
After Germany’s geopolitical awakening to the threat posed by Russia, would it also reconsider its foreign policy on China? It has taken a full-blown war between Russia and…
Should unvaccinated people be held solely responsible for the sudden rise in COVID-19 cases in Europe? Last week, Europe had the dubious distinction of having recorded 64…
Amrita Narlikar explores the advantages and disadvantages of two competing narratives - to resuscitate and reinforce, or to restructure - on the future of…
Amrita Narlikar argues that to revitalise and strengthen their relationship Germany must meet India eye-to-eye at a time when democracy is threatened globally by…
There is an urgent need for convincing narratives, backed by data and grounded in fact, that can show people why multilateralism is worth preserving. Multilateral institutions…
Many researchers have been writing about the pandemic as part of their scholarly work. We were also curious about their personal experiences and thoughts amidst these testing…
Amrita Narlikar and Amitabh Mattoo argue that what has happened in Hong Kong should matter to all of us. In recent decades, the combination of a slow but certain instrumentalism…
Amrita Narlikar argues that to tackle the pandemic leaders sorely need to develop narratives that appeal to people’s own interests, and give them a sense of hope and purpose…