Emerging Global Governance

Stepping%20Stones_0.pngThe Emerging Global Governance (EGG) Project is a collaborative research initiative led by Gregory Chin at York University (Canada) and Eva-Maria Nag at Global Policy journal, Durham University, as the principal partners, and the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, Foreign Policy Institute as a legacy partner. 

The Project brings together leading scholars, early-career scholars, and policy practitioners to profile leading-edge research on key emerging issues and emerging actors in global governance, global collective action, global public goods provision, and global risk management across the range of relevant sectors and issue-areas, including global economy and development; the biosphere, environment, and climate change; global security; global health; digitalization, artificial intelligence, big data; global indigenous rights; international migration.

The EGG Project highlights innovative global policy research findings, and international governance solutions that are arising from the emerging world, or at the interface between the emerging powers and the established actors in the system, or new initiatives led by non-state actors.

The goal is to bridge the ongoing gap in knowledge-sharing and critical exchange between the scholarly and policy communities.  Through its online e-footprint, the EGG Project features cumulative research results, sustained research partnerships and networks, and mobilizes knowledge with broader societal relevancy.

The outputs, collaborative research partnerships, and networks emerging from the EGG Project will be used to leverage further and larger sustained, multi-year collaborative research initiatives.

Research Outputs

The EGG project profiles new evidence-based research and analysis of distinguished thinkers and practitioners. Their work is presented in a range of project outputs including:

  • Online blog-commentary collections covering “core issues”, “new trends and patterns”, and “emerging hot issues” (briefing memo-length pieces for decision-makers)
  • Journal article length pieces and journal special featured sections in Global Policy or other leading journals
  • Free to access e-Books on feature themes (Global Policy will e-publish the collections of commentaries in an e-book format)
  • Select book reviews of key new books
  • Interviews with key thinkers (posted to Youtube)

Global Policy and contributing authors and participating organizations (partner research institutes) will post the outputs on their social media platforms.

Related project activities include workshops, and e-workshops, e-presentations, press briefings and media interviews; briefings for policymakers and decisionmakers. 


                                             Eva-Maria Nag (Co-Director) Gregory Chin (Co-Director)





Aligning Global Threats and Opportunities via AI Governance: A Commentary Series

This is the first post in a new EGG commentary series exploring how AI’s development is affecting economic, social and political decision-making around the world. Browse the full series here.




What We Are Reading

The New G-ZERO, Why It Matters: Bhutan-led Net-Zero Global Climate Advocacy

Gregory T. Chin explores why Bhutan is uniquely qualified to lead the G-ZERO. To read the full piece click here.
