Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

11 July 2024
Worsening crises call for a radical rethink of global governance – which means centering the Global South, writes expert Aude Darnal. What are perspectives from the Global South…
09 July 2024
Ahead of NATO's 75th Summit, the Alliance is facing a myriad of crises. Expert Leonard Schütte on what to expect from the upcoming Washington summit and what success could look…
04 July 2024
As global health crises compound, the current lack of progress on health equity and other pressing issues will have grim consequences. But there are steps policymakers can take to…
03 July 2024
Seth Schindler and Kevin Ward examine recent efforts of the US State Department to encourage cities across the US to engage in ‘subnational diplomacy,’ and support Washington’s…
02 July 2024
Glauco Ortolan responds to Alfredo Toro Hardy's recent article to argue that Latin America is at the core of the new Western Civilization. There is not a term that…
01 July 2024
Two centuries ago, Washington warned European powers, primarily the British Empire, against undermining its security throughout the Americas, from Canada to Patagonia.  Thus…
28 June 2024
Saman Rizwan on why the Act must be backed-up by action in other fields to ensure it does not leave Tibetans out to dry. After President Biden signed the ‘Resolve Tibet Act’…
27 June 2024
The challenges facing the next class of EU legislators are significant. ENSURED's Dylan Macchiarini Crosson on what the election means for the EU's role in global governance.…
27 June 2024
Issues like geopolitical gridlock and complex trade agendas hamper the World Trade Organization in fulfilling its mandate. What happened at the recent conference? And what role…
27 June 2024
Issues like geopolitical gridlock and complex trade agendas hamper the World Trade Organization in fulfilling its mandate. What happened at the recent conference? And what role…