Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

08 April 2021
Against the trend of vaccine nationalism, India is emerging as one of the major global suppliers of COVID-19 vaccines, writes Dr Biswajit Dhar, professor at the Centre for…
06 April 2021
Temelso G. Getahun argues that torture constitutes a denial of human dignity. “We will uphold the rights of those who we bring to justice. And we will close the detention facility…
01 April 2021
Duncan Green reviews a recent essay on how to use power analyses to understand and drive activism. John Gaventa has been thinking, writing and theorising about power for at least…
30 March 2021
Teferi Mergo argues that faced with limited options the international community must support a political settlement between Ethiopia’s warring federalist and the unitary camps.…
29 March 2021
Fabio Petito argues that the UK is failing to realise the importance of regional blocks and has few realistic responses to the current crisis of the liberal international order.…
26 March 2021
Orders of Exclusion: Great Powers and the Strategic Sources of Foundational Rules in International Relations by Kyle M. Lascurettes. New York: Oxford University Press 2020. 336 pp…
25 March 2021
This interview was conducted by the Global Governance Futures – Robert Bosch Foundation Multilateral Dialogues, which brings together young professionals to look ahead 15 years…
24 March 2021
Kristin Bergtora Sandvik considers the EU's plans for a ‘digital green certificate’ from social justice perspective and argues we must continue to pay careful attention to…
23 March 2021
Amidst a global pandemic, students at the London School of Economics have organized the world’s largest public-facing online summit on the existential risks that face humanity.…
23 March 2021
Ilan Manor explores Russia's digital vaccine diplomacy efforts.  Now is the age of nostalgia. Throughout the world we are witnessing a yearning desire to return to the world…