Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives
Eighteen months after COVID reached Europe, we can begin to reflect on the ethical dimensions of the pandemic. Aveek Bhattacharya (Social Market Foundation) and Fay Niker (…
Judith Nshobol unpicks the nuts and bolts of the power differentials within the development sector's global research ‘supply chains’. This is part of the Bukavu series…
Immigration and Freedom by Chandran Kukathas. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021. 364pp. $35 hardcover 9780691189680, $19.25 e-book 9780691215389
In this informed and…
Saqib Qureshi argues that profit may have been the real motive of America's long and ultimately unsuccessful involvement in Afghanistan.
Right now, you’d be hard…
The ICC has come under sustained attacks for a disproportionate focus on crimes in Africa, discrediting the Court’s mandate amid accusations of bias. By looking inwardly and by…
Duncan Green (and friends) with a timely listicle on Afghanistan.
On Monday, exasperated by the nature of the coverage of the fall of Kabul, I tweeted a request for links: ‘What…
On World Humanitarian Day, Sydney Kamen, Isabel Kleitsch, Matthew O’Bryan and Blaise Robert issue an important call to support the vital work of humanitarian negotiators…
Scott L. Montgomery explores why billionaires seem to have an obsession with space travel.
Not long ago, a trip into space required years of physical and mental…
Jose Maria Valenzuela responds to Isabelle Goetz and Greer Gosnell recent article on lessons from Mexico’s gas import capacity expansion strategy to inform India’s natural gas…
Joshua B. Horton argues that developing countries have the most to gain and to lose from resolving the impasse stalling global governance for geoengineering.
Solar geoengineering…