Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

04 November 2019
There’s little that the left and the right agree on these days. But surely one thing is beyond question: that national governments must protect citizens from the gravest threats…
01 November 2019
Europe is already behind the US and China in Internet technologies — and risks falling behind in AI Whoever leads in this sphere [AI] will become the ruler of the world” said…
29 October 2019
Jessica ‘Zhanna’ Malekos Smith explores what we mean when we talk of 'information warfare'. In preparing to write a book, George Orwell’s guiding philosophy was to write because “…
28 October 2019
Vasilis Trigkas argues that European and American domestic political reforms would be the best response to China’s recent authoritarian assertiveness. Much ink has been spilled on…
25 October 2019
Just as America’s trade war with China may be winding down, its troubles with Europe seem to be growing. On Oct. 11, President Donald Trump said that the United States and China…
24 October 2019
Cambridge - The rise of populist nationalism throughout the West has been fueled partly by a clash between the objectives of equity in rich countries and higher living standards…
23 October 2019
Gui Silva argues that regulation is needed to promote financial inclusion and democratise the wealth being created in community-driven economies. Throughout history,…
22 October 2019
Improving the lot of global supply chain workers involves not only organising local and migrant workers to pressure suppliers, brands and retailers, but leveraging the financial…
21 October 2019
Morgan Bazilian, Ian Lange, Peter Aaen and Alex Gilbert  argue that space solar power has the potential to provide energy whilst helping to address climate change. Due to…
18 October 2019
Markos Zachariadis on why the promise has not yet met reality. Blockchain is touted as the next step in the digital revolution, a technology that will change every industry from …