Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

15 October 2019
Duncan Green on why RCTs should not be seen as the new magic bullet for evaluating aid and development interventions.  Lant Pritchett once likened Randomized Controlled Trials (…
14 October 2019
“Fourteen million people live in poverty, one and a half million of them in destitution, four in ten children are poor, food banks proliferate, homelessness and rough sleeping are…
10 October 2019
It is far too easy to view scarcity and poor quality of water as issues solely affecting emerging economies. While the images of women and children fetching water in Africa and a…
09 October 2019
Eric Meade consults to nonprofits, foundations, and NGOs and teaches at American University’s School of International Service in Washington, DC. His book, Reframing Poverty: New…
08 October 2019
The United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union presents an opportunity for the UK and Africa to negotiate more favourable trading terms for their economies at home. The UK…
07 October 2019
Tax havens have become a defining feature of the global financial system. Multinational companies can use various schemes to avoid paying taxes in countries where they make vast…
02 October 2019
As international and civil society organisations increasingly show an interest in identification systems, a new report on Kenya aims to put the power and politics back into…
30 September 2019
Danilo Ignacio de Urzedo reports on the UN youth climate summit. This week’s United Nations climate summit may go down in history - but not for the reasons intended. It…
26 September 2019
The New Arab Urban: Gulf Cities of Wealth, Ambition and Distress edited by Harvey Molotch and Davide Ponzini. New York: New York University Press, 2019. 368 pp., $89 hardcover…
25 September 2019
Climate change is by far the most serious crisis facing the world today. At stake is the future of civilization as we know it. Yet, both public awareness and government action lag…