Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

24 July 2013
In this blog post and video, Andy Sumner examines Indonesia’s remarkable growth and speculates on what may be possible by 2025. As is well known Indonesia has achieved…
23 July 2013
I recently finished writing an article for a law journal on the anti-homosexuality law in Uganda. It focuses on the evolution of this law from a legislative history standpoint,…
21 June 2013
Once upon a time, gentrification meant the import of yuppies into areas previously inhabited by working-class people. Yuppies (a term used so freely that many forget it was…
20 June 2013
Global consumption grew by $10 trillion from 1990 to 2010. So the $10 trillion question is who benefited and how much? In a new paper we explore who have been the winners and…
18 June 2013
Last Friday, Iranians did what no one expected them to do: They flocked to the polling stations in great numbers and elected the ‚moderate’ candidate, Hassan Rouhani, as the…
17 June 2013
I think of Detroit as the municipal, financial, legal equivalent of Schrödinger's cat. It is at once alive and dead. It is locked in a strange twilight zone between the two.…
13 June 2013
Andy Sumner speculates on the future role of aid agencies. Imagine a world without extreme poverty. The Economist did and in doing so joined others who have argued that extreme…
30 May 2013
Andy Sumner and Alex Cobham examine why some countries manage direct tax evasion better than others. Debate on the role of inequality in the post-2015 framework has moved rapidly…
27 May 2013
The Syria crisis is certainly more than just another Arab Spring conflict or civil war. Syria presents a large-scale humanitarian crisis for the region. It may be another year…
23 May 2013
This past weekend, I was in Connecticut for my dear friend Michelle’s wedding. Having arrived a day early, we elected to see Clybourne Park (now playing at the lovely and…