Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

22 July 2024
Free: Coming of Age at the End of History. Lea Ypi. Penguin. 2021 It is not often that one in the process of learning of, or reading, a book develops three different opinions…
17 July 2024
Gregory T. Chin argues that the NDB's second decade will be shaped by how it navigates a world of worsening geopolitical and geo-economic tensions between rival…
16 July 2024
Shlomo Avineri’s Karl Marx: Philosophy and Revolution is an excellent introduction to some parts of Marx’s philosophy, but a very truncated book as far as other parts of Marx’s…
12 July 2024
Andrew Sherriff and Andy Sumner explore the rocky road ahead for the new UK government’s relations with the EU. So, the UK has a new government. What does it mean for post-Brexit…
12 July 2024
Whilst praising his achievements, Scott Montgomery asks whether Biden is the right man for the moment. For readers in the UK and Europe, America must seem like an…
10 July 2024
Fawaz A. Gerges argues that now, more than ever, it is in the long-term interests of the US to uphold the rules-based international order, not only in words but in deeds.  In…
08 July 2024
Martha Molfetas argues that a synergised net-zero economy could see a 9% growth in GDP; outweighing the cost of climate transition. Against the backdrop of another sweltering…
05 July 2024
Noting recent global trends, Karl Muth encourages cities to consider reversing their current zoned fare structure to reduce the burdens on those that can least afford it. It may…
04 July 2024
In this column Alfredo Toro Hardy analyzes why the great majority of Latin American countries suddenly and dramatically deindustrialized in the 1990s. Latin America moved into the…
27 June 2024
Andy Sumner scopes the potential future of the UK's international development policy. The UK election is at hand. The campaign has been dominated by questions of what might change…