Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

14 October 2021
After 40 years of neoliberal rule, in which the state actively sought to eradicate the boundary between market, civil society and governance by making economic rationality the…
13 October 2021
Max Lawson asks why class analysis has disappeared and argues for its much needed return. Years ago, when I had just joined Oxfam as a young policy adviser, I wrote a policy paper…
11 October 2021
Lina Nasr El Hag Ali argues that afrofuturism constitutes a form of creative dissent that generates new possibilities for our collective future. Pay attention to the visions for…
08 October 2021
Biodiversity has never been more at risk than it is today. To halt this trend, the global community urgently needs to agree on new goals. Will the 15th Biodiversity Conference…
07 October 2021
There is growing disillusionment about the possibilities of state reform in post-war countries due to the mixed record of post-war liberal statebuilding. Ntagahoraho Z. Burihabwa…
06 October 2021
From Anger to Action Inside the Global Movements for Social Justice, Peace, and a Sustainable Planet. by Harriet Lamb and Ben Jackson. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. I’ve…
05 October 2021
Remote Warfare: New Cultures of Violence. Adelman. Rebecca A. Adelman and David Kieran, Editors. University of Minnesota Press, 2020. This was reviewed for Global Policy Next…
05 October 2021
Tom Johansmeyer explores the critical role for diplomacy in supporting a robust and reliable global cyber insurance market. Businesses and municipalities have been brutalized by…
01 October 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to several European governments implementing measures to protect their domestic industries. But are these actions pragmatic responses to the crisis…
29 September 2021
Global food prices shot up nearly 33% in September 2021 compared with the same period the year before. That’s according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)‘s monthly…