Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

15 November 2015
This post represents the second in a series from the ongoing G20 summit being covered on the ground by the Global Leadership Initiative's team. Please check in regularly to keep…
15 November 2015
This post represents the first in a series from the ongoing G20 summit being covered on the ground by the Global Leadership Initiative's team. Please check in regularly to…
13 November 2015
Global Energy Dilemmas by Michael Bradshaw. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2014. 240 pp, $26.95 / £16.99 paperback 978-0-7456-5065-4, £55 hardcover 978-0-7456-5064-7 As W. E…
29 October 2015
Gender, War, and Conflict by Laura Sjoberg. Cambridge / Malden MA: Polity Press, 2014. 202 pp, £50 / €62.50 hardcover 978-0-7456-6001-1, £14.99 / €18.80…
23 October 2015
In this Global Policy Response Mario Telo dissects the Hertie School of Governance’s Governance Report 2015, with particular attention to its focus on the link between…
15 October 2015
When States lack social legitimacy, a lack of trust in politicians or political parties is merely a symptom of this. Who then do we turn to? On Saturday, Oct 10, over one hundred…
09 October 2015
Where does India stand on current developments in internet governance? Rohan Wadhwa argues that the country needs to take the lead in shaping the debate in order to fulfill its…
28 September 2015
Madeleine K. Albright and Ibrahim A. Gambari, Co-Chairs, Commission on Global Security, Justice & Governance, introduce the idea of 'just security' to forge a mutually…
25 September 2015
Fear may never disappear, but we can make it ineffective as a means of power and control. “Fear is the deadliest assassin; it does not kill but it keeps you from living.…
18 September 2015
Morten Koch Andersen examines the relationship between corruption and torture and how the global reform movement needs to rethink policy and intervention, moving from…