Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

10 December 2015
A liberal Actor in a Realist World: The European Union Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy by Andreas Goldthau and Nick Sitter. Oxford: Oxford University…
09 December 2015
In the first of a series of commentaries on the Justice and Security Research Programme’s emerging ideas, Tom Kirk reports on Alex de Waal’s recent book launch and…
30 November 2015
Theories of International Relations: Contending Approaches to World Politics by Stephanie Lawson. Cambridge: Polity, 2015. 288 pp., £55.00 / €68.80 hardcover 978-0-7456…
27 November 2015
The Indian Government should step back from its move to ban commercial surrogacy for foreigners. The policy further restricts the choices of those in poverty and will have a…
25 November 2015
ISIS fighters must be held to account as criminals, not conventional military adversaries, for their violent crimes. Snared by geopolitical interests, post-9/11 interventions have…
24 November 2015
Andrea Koch, Alex McBratney and Budiman Minasny investigate the viability of a call by the French Government in the lead up to COP21 to increase carbon in the global soil stock by…
16 November 2015
This post is part of a series from the ongoing G20 summit being covered on the ground by the Global Leadership Initiative's team. Please check in regularly to keep up to date…
16 November 2015
This post is part of a series from the ongoing G20 summit being covered on the ground by the Global Leadership Initiative's team. Please check in regularly to keep up to date…
16 November 2015
This post is part of a series from the ongoing G20 summit being covered on the ground by the Global Leadership Initiative's team. Please check in regularly to keep up to date…
15 November 2015
This post represents the third in a series from the ongoing G20 summit being covered on the ground by the Global Leadership Initiative's team. Please check in regularly to…