Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

18 September 2018
Gregory Stiles, Editor of Global Policy: Next Generation, explores the re-awakening of the bilateral-summit model in international politics. The recent summit meeting between…
17 September 2018
This is a guest post on Duncan Green's blog From Poverty to Power by Anna Chernova, Oxfam’s Senior Humanitarian Policy Adviser. There was some jubilation recently in South Sudan…
17 September 2018
Robyn Klingler-Vidra and Juergen Braunstein explore whether it is enough to throw huge sums of money into the Venture Capital industry to boost innovation and…
14 September 2018
Steffen Böhm, Annika Skoglund and Dan Eatherley unpick the rise of activist advertising and CEO's speaking truth to power. Recent years have witnessed the emergence of what…
14 September 2018
The Dynamics of EU External Energy Relations: Fighting for Energy by Francesca Batzella. London and New York: Routledge 2018. 176 pp., £115 hardcover 9781138631755 As a researcher…
13 September 2018
Arnub Farooqi and Fenna Slenter call for intersectionality to be acknowledged and mainstreamed into peace-building initiatives.  After fleeing from Syria to Jordan…
10 September 2018
Rethinking Regionalism by Fredrik Soderbaum. London: Palgrave, 2016, pp.252, £84.99 hardcover 978-0-230-27240-8, £32.99 paperback 978-0-230-27241-5, £32.99 e-book 978-1-137-57303-…
07 September 2018
In a recent EUROPP article, Steve Fuller argued that social democracy and neoliberalism may have more in common than we think. In a response to Fuller’s article, Johan…
07 September 2018
Isabel Cane explores lessons from Argentina for those interested in addressing corruption. Corruption is a dirty word. The very definition of it is contested, its existence…
06 September 2018
Karen Jackson and Oleksandr Shepotylo on the prospects of for Britain should it fail to secure a post-Brexit deal with the EU. If Britain leaves the European Union with no deal in…