Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

07 February 2019
Not many of us would see a calculator as a threat to our jobs. Yet just as the development of these now ubiquitous tools disquieted some mathematicians, rapid advances in…
07 February 2019
It's easy to blame “Brussels bureaucrats” but national governments are often the biggest corporate lobbyists of all, a new report exposes today. Do you know why your phone bill is…
05 February 2019
Is austerity a ‘dream come true’ for neoliberals, or did the global financial crisis force policymakers to question neoliberalism’s core principles and change direction? Focusing…
05 February 2019
Amy Janzwood and Caitlin Scott explain why food companies have committed to science-based targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and argue that the unique challenges of…
04 February 2019
This is an article from The Conversation's Head to Head, a series in which academics from different disciplines chew over current debates. Arturo Bris: Have you ever watched…
01 February 2019
There aren’t many corners of the world left untouched by humanity. Recent research has highlighted that just 23% of the planet’s land surface (excluding Antarctica) and 13% of the…
01 February 2019
Previously unknown recording reveals extraordinary ‘black ops’ on three continents – exploiting weaknesses in democracies left wide open by governments and Silicon Valley. A new…
31 January 2019
            The World Economic Forum's Agenda blog on 8 stories form Davos. 1. ‘The Garden of Eden is no more’ That was Sir David Attenborough's…
28 January 2019
Peter Bloom on what Davos might look like if it was serious about addressing climate change. From the moment world leaders claiming to want to fight climate change arrived in…
25 January 2019
The post-1945 income distribution system is irretrievably broken, threatening the market economy. And traditional redistributive tools such as direct taxes, collective bargaining…