Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

06 March 2019
For the International Development Department’s Cutting Edge Issues in Development lecture series last Friday, Kevin Watkins of Save the Children gave a compelling talk…
05 March 2019
Marie Curie, Rita Levi-Montalcini, Brenda Milner, Martha Salcudean, Julie Payette, Halle Tanner Dillon Johnson. What do these names bring to mind? They are women whose pioneering…
05 March 2019
Ask a group of scientists “What is Earth?” and you may be in for a surprise. “Earth is a sinusoidal signal in velocity with a period of a year, and an amplitude of 10 cm/s," an…
01 March 2019
The embrace of "remote warfare" to manage conflict seeds disaster. A week containing escalation of India-Pakistan crisis over Kashmir and the hollow spectacle of a second Donald…
28 February 2019
Ambre Eyoum, a Multilateral and Corporate Affairs manager at Total and a Global Governance Futures 2030 fellow, explores the ways oil and gas industry can adjust to face some of…
26 February 2019
As part of LSE Festival: New World (Dis)Orders, running between 25 February and 2 March 2019, author Sam Byers is participating on a panel discussing…
25 February 2019
As the consequences of Brexit reveal themselves, Carmen Raluca Stoian explains why big business is likely to disperse around the globe. Ever since the EU referendum of 2016, well-…
25 February 2019
This is the text of a speech delivered at the Cambridge Union in defense of the proposition: This house believes that British aid is not working. Ladies and gentlemen, it is vital…
22 February 2019
Supercomputers have the potential to turn us into superhumans. Our potential and power increase in lockstep with to the tools we have to serve us. The World Economic Forum’s…
22 February 2019
By now, most of us have heard that the use of plastics is a big issue for the environment. Partly fuelled by the success of the BBC’s Blue Planet II series, people are more aware…