Nina Hall on the state of the world's oceans and what we can do about it.
Three billion people rely on seafood as their primary source of protein, according to the Marine…
What’s at stake: the concept of a Universal Basic Income (UBI), an unconditional transfer paid to each individual, was prominent earlier this year when Finland announced a…
Today marks the 70th anniversary of the Marshall Plan speech given by US Secretary of State George Marshall on 5 June 1947. The speech outlined the principles of the Marshall…
When international organizations face legitimacy problems, they need to address governance issues, conflicts of interest, and poor leadership.
In one of Donald Trump’s…
The Middle East is going through the biggest transformation since the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and the establishment of modern nation states by colonial powers. Some…
Nayef Al-Rodhan looks towards international solutions to the problem of fake news.
“Post-truth” was selected the 2016 ‘word of the year’ by the Oxford…
The discussion on how to protect countries from pandemics should also include strategies aimed at curbing potential ‘pandemics of fear’.
Few events cause as much…
Dani Rodrik explores the calls to compensate the losers of globalisation.
It appears that a new consensus has taken hold these days among the world’s business and policy…
Charlotte Heath-Kelly explores the complexity of reactions to terrorist attacks.
Seven people were killed in the London Bridge terrorist attack on June 3, seemingly echoing the…
Getting more girls into school is vital, but it isn’t an answer to poverty and inequality.
In recent weeks there has been uproar about President Trump’s decision to…
Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Mariko J. Klasing and Petros Milionis explores the implications for economic policy of the worldwide polarisation of values.
A striking development in recent…
After just five months in power, the new President of the US has done it. He has ripped up the most powerful demonstration of collective and responsible global citizenship that…
As the reality of the horrifying terrorist attack on Manchester sinks in, it is easy to assume that such an atrocity will make it harder for the people of the city to get on…
Amitendu Palit argues that the China-led Maritime Silk Road Initiative is causing ripples among Indian policymakers.
Regional connectivity and infrastructure capacities in Asia…
Shadow Wars: The Secret Struggle for the Middle East by Christopher Davidson. London: Oneworld Publications, 2016. 688 pp, £25/$30, hardcover 978-1-78607-001-2