Richard Falk explores how recent waves of populist nationalism have affected the UN.
A Point of DepartureWhen Donald Trump withdrew American participation from the…
Euroscepticism – defined as outright or defined opposition to the European project – is becoming a mainstream, contested phenomenon, writes Simona Guerra. The EU has…
Gregory T. Chin explores Hong Kong’s lobbying for a special role in the AIIB and in the Belt & Road strategy, the number of visits by Asian state leaders, and the corporate…
Patricia Reaney explores the World Happiness Report 2017.
Norway displaced Denmark as the world's happiest country in a new report released on Monday that called on nations to…
The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe by Joseph E. Stiglitz. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2016. 416 pp, $28.95 / £13.99 hardcover 978-0-393-…
Slavery is about power and its unequal distribution. Anti-Slavery International has released a new charter that recognises that truth and lays out what's needed to start…
This interview was conducted by Joel Sandhu for the Global Governance Futures – Robert Bosch Foundation Multilateral Dialogues, which brings together young professionals to…
Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale has remained popular since its publication in 1985. It has been translated into dozens of languages, made into a film in…
Decisive action should be taken by the G20 to assess the impact, legitimacy and effectiveness of the whole system of international rules designed to combat money laundering and…
Published in the run up to the recent G20 summit, Gregory Chin explores the hopes for Sino-German cooperation.
The world media's attention is focused on the on-going G20…
Branko Milanovic explores the effects of aid at both ends of the transfer.
There are many arguments against foreign aid. Angus Deaton has forcefully argued that foreign aid, by…
Nina Hall weighs up the power and perils of digital activism.
Donald Trump is a master Tweeter, Breitbart has been a powerful disseminator of fake news, and Trump’s campaign…
One of the more surprising aspects of Labour’s strong performance in the UK’s general election is that it came at a time when social democratic parties have…
The concept of imperialism has fallen out of the political lexicon of many leftists in the West, with some deeming the concept irrelevant for understanding the dynamics of…
The following piece was written by members of the GLI team at the G20 Hamburg Summit. Please check here regularly for all their blogs and opinion papers from the summit…