Andy Sumner

Andy Sumner is a Professor of International Development in the Department of International Development. He is also Director of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Global Challenges Strategic Research Network on Global Poverty and Inequality Dynamics.

He has twenty years’ international research experience using both qualitative and quantitative methods and has published extensively, including ten books and fifty journal papers and book chapters. His most recent books are 'Global Poverty' (2016, Oxford University Press) and 'Development and Distribution' (2018, Oxford University Press).

He was appointed at King’s in 2012 and was a founding Co-Director of the King’s International Development Institute, which later became the Department of International Development. He is a member of the ESRC Peer Review College and has also held various roles in academic networks, including as a Vice President of, and UK representative to, the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) from 2008 to 2014, and as a Council Member of the Development Studies Association, UK and Ireland, from 2000 to 2014.

He holds associate positions at Oxford University; the Center for Global Development, Washington DC; the United Nations University, WIDER, Helsinki; and the Centre for Economics and Development Studies, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia.

Andy's research is at the interface of international development studies and heterodox development economics. His area of expertise is poverty, inequality, and ‘inclusive growth’ in middle-income developing countries. He has pursued his research at two scales: 1) in the analysis of global poverty and global inequality; 2) in the analysis of poverty and inequality in the Southeast Asia region and Indonesia in particular.

He is well known for challenging prevailing assumptions about global poverty and theorising about the paradox of the persistence of global poverty alongside dramatic and sustained economic growth.

His research has been cited by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), by international development agencies such as the World Bank and United Nations agencies, and by media.

He has also been asked to contribute expertise to various policy-related processes, such as the Select Committees of the House of Commons, the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and a Lancet Poverty Commission. He has been listed in US magazine Foreign Policy’s ‘Top 100 Global Thinkers’, and in the Huffington Post’s ‘Most Influential Voices’.

Post Archive

27 September 2013
Alex Cobham and Andy Sumner bring us up to date on the techie-but-important debate over how to measure inequality. It’s about six months since we triggered a good wonk-tastic…
24 July 2013
In this blog post and video, Andy Sumner examines Indonesia’s remarkable growth and speculates on what may be possible by 2025. As is well known Indonesia has achieved…
20 June 2013
Global consumption grew by $10 trillion from 1990 to 2010. So the $10 trillion question is who benefited and how much? In a new paper we explore who have been the winners and…
13 June 2013
Andy Sumner speculates on the future role of aid agencies. Imagine a world without extreme poverty. The Economist did and in doing so joined others who have argued that extreme…
30 May 2013
Andy Sumner and Alex Cobham examine why some countries manage direct tax evasion better than others. Debate on the role of inequality in the post-2015 framework has moved rapidly…
08 March 2013
What do Obama and Bono have in common? Both have proposed that the world should seek to end extreme poverty over the next twenty years or so. Obama said so in his annual state of…
04 January 2013
There is a radically different context for international aid today than in the past – a context characterised by drastically fewer poor countries and an overwhelming concentration…