Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

02 July 2018
After eight long and extremely painful years of austerity due to gigantic rescue packages that were accompanied by brutal neoliberal measures, in Athens, the “leftist” …
26 June 2018
Deindustrialization has become the experience of many middle income developing countries. This week on the ESRC GPID blog we start a series of blogs on that topic. We’ve covered…
21 June 2018
After 18 months of Trump in the White House, American politics finds itself at a crossroads. The United States has moved unmistakably toward a novel form of fascism that serves…
19 June 2018
Earlier this year, Kosovo marked the tenth anniversary of its – self-declared, not UN-recognized – independence. It is thus Europe’s youngest country, which is also true in terms…
18 June 2018
Scott L. Montgomery explores the prospects of the latest talks between the USA and North Korea leading to complete denuclearization. Now that the awaited meeting of the minds and…
07 June 2018
A clear pattern has emerged in European societies since the outbreak of the euro crisis in 2010. Voters across the socioeconomic spectrum are casting their votes in support of…
04 June 2018
The financial crisis of 2008, which resulted in the near meltdown of the world's financial and banking system, has left a lot of questions unanswered regarding reform and whether…
01 June 2018
I have already written  before (in a tweet) that no one who travels through Western Europe, especially in Summer, can fail to be impressed by the wealth and beauty of the…
22 May 2018
By now barrels of ink have spilled over the Trump Administration’s decision to violate the Iran Nuclear Deal. The announcement itself, full of colorful language and blunt…
16 May 2018
The Balkans are an odd man in Europe. Its income level is much lower than the average income level of Western and Central Europe. This is a well-known fact but is worth of another…