Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

04 January 2021
Despite specialized press coverage, little is known about the potential socioeconomic implications of financial decentralization. In this column, Marion Laboure and Juergen…
15 December 2020
Branko Milanovic dissects the cultural roots of the West's response to COVID-19 and compares them to experiences in East Asian countries. In  October 2019, Johns…
26 November 2020
What is Trump after with his legal challenges of a “rigged and stolen” election? Can he really hope for a legislative coup? Is the contemporary United States a country…
12 November 2020
Cornelius Adebahr argues that a return to an old, pre-Trump, transatlantic mindset will not adequate to address contemporary global policy challenges. Even though the…
09 November 2020
Branko Milanovic on the lessons we should learn from the Trump era. Now as Trump is being made ready to enter history, many publications are reviewing his presidency, as…
03 November 2020
This is a short, less than 700 words, piece that “Globe and Mail” asked me to write about the forthcoming US election. They got what they apparently did not expect and wanted me…
29 October 2020
Markovits, D. (2019) The Meritocracy Trap: How America's Foundational Myth Feeds Inequality, Dismantles the Middle Class, and Devours the Elite. Penguin Random House. ISBN…
27 October 2020
Loria-Mae Heywood draws attention to the market forces at play in the trafficking and exploitation of children, and provides examples of good practices from Europe, Africa and…
21 October 2020
Scott Montgomery on why autocrats fear scientific knowledge and expertise. A hidden but heated theme in this election and Supreme Court hearing season, the most important in many…
19 October 2020
Keman Huang, Stuart Madnick and Nazli Choucri argue that Singapore must lead the world in developing a global standardized cyber code for digital trade. Salience of Digital…