Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

18 June 2020
In the wake of COVID-19 and the looming challenges associated with climate change, technocracy will become a more popular form of governance to tackle the issues that arise. But,…
17 June 2020
With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic two key tenets for humanitarian aid that often go together, context analysis and travel, are now in tension. World Vision’s Johan Eldebo…
17 June 2020
Nayef Al-Rodhan overviews some of the opportunities and worries about the use of big data to address pandemics. The COVID19 pandemic has re-energized the interest in Big…
16 June 2020
This interview was conducted by the Global Governance Futures– Robert Bosch Foundation Multilateral Dialogues, which brings together young professionals to look ahead 10 years and…
15 June 2020
Over a billion people living in poverty and a $500 million per day loss of income for the poorest people in the world could soon be reality. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to…
10 June 2020
Jon (Yuan) Jiang explores the BRI's ideological aims and why they may inadvertently threaten others. For a raft of typically conspiratorially inclined commentators, the Belt and…
09 June 2020
As governments decide to postpone elections or alter electoral processes because of COVID-19, it is crucial that they have a transparent debate about doing so. Importantly, they…
08 June 2020
Helidah Didi Ogude argues that a long history of neoliberal state policies have left a US welfare system unfit for purpose and a citizenry wrongly held responsible for their own…
08 June 2020
Professor Anoush Ehteshami introduces four 'coronavirus diaries' written by his PhD students from different areas of the world, yet undertaking their studies at Durham University…
05 June 2020
Ba-Linh Tran and Robyn Klingler-Vidra highlight lessons from Vietnam’s currently successful easing of lockdown restrictions.  Vietnam eased social distancing on April 23rd, so I (…