Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

04 September 2016
International Media Centre – G20 Hangzhou Summit. China hopes to champion cooperation between the private sector and global leaders in boosting economic growth. Nowhere is…
04 September 2016
International Media Centre – G20 Hangzhou Summit. When the GLI group arrived in Hangzhou, we were expecting quite an experience, though little could prepare us for the…
04 September 2016
International Media Centre — G20 Hangzhou Summit. From 4 to 5 September, the Group of 20 (G20) leaders will gather in the Chinese city of Hangzhou to discuss the…
03 September 2016
International Media Centre — G20 Hangzhou Summit. As thousands of journalists, policy makers, diplomats and politicians descend on the former Southern Song Dynasty capital…
03 September 2016
International Media Centre – G20 Hangzhou Summit. With G20 activities fully underway in Hangzhou, China, thoughts have turned to how the high-level political decisions made…
03 September 2016
International Media Centre — G20 Hangzhou Summit. In the run-up to the G20 Leaders Summit, China has upped its game to present itself as ready and willing to show leadership…
03 September 2016
International Media Centre – G20 Hangzhou Summit. This year’s G20 summit pays special attention to sustainable development, bringing into question how ‘…
03 September 2016
International Media Centre — G20 Hangzhou Summit. Unusually clear skies cover the city of Hangzhou, where China will host the G20 Leaders Summit from 4 to 5 September. The…
03 September 2016
How to Host a Summit – or Not International Media Centre — G20 Hangzhou Summit. Hosting an international summit on the scale of the G20 is no easy task. First and…
02 September 2016
Social scientists and policy-makes have long built their models around a theory of 'rational action' which bears little relation to how people respond to the complexities…