Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

19 October 2016
Local and Regional governments publish a manifesto for deeper engagement with global politics. The modern world is changing rapidly. Trans-national and national governments…
19 October 2016
The New Urban Agenda (NUA) makes a bold pledge that ‘no-one will be left behind’. A pledge which was unanimously reaffirmed in Monday’s High-Level Roundtable.…
19 October 2016
Marc-Olivier P. Cantin surveys the profound foreign policy mutations that Canada is experiencing after a year under the Trudeau administration. ‘We’re back’. It…
18 October 2016
Two days into the Habitat III conference public space (natural and built) has been discussed in terms of its importance for equitable, healthy, sustainable cities - making them…
18 October 2016
The UN challenges governments to address housing as a human rights issue, but speakers admit they are at the mercy of the free market. Day one of the Habitat III conference has…
17 October 2016
In taming the climate crisis, the crude reality is that the interplay between politics, economics and culture figures prominently, which is another way of saying that the profound…
17 October 2016
This week the UN Habitat III Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development is underway in Quito, Ecuador. Eight students from the University of Sheffield will be working…
14 October 2016
Amy F. Woolf explores the implications of a possible no first use policy in the US. In July 2016, reports in U.S. newspapers indicated the Obama Administration considered adopting…
14 October 2016
My inbox has been buzzing with praise for a new paper on this issue by the Carnegie Endowment’s democracy guru, Thomas Carothers. Since he’s one of my favourite FP2P…
13 October 2016
Stephan Manning explores how the modular principle can help develop solutions to various global 'wicked' problems. We live in a world burdened by large-scale problems…