Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

28 April 2017
Annette Bongardt and Francisco Torres recall that the Eurozone risked seeing its legitimate efforts to strengthen the EMU vetoed by the UK, a country with a derogation from…
27 April 2017
This week the Creative Commons Global Summit takes place in Toronto, Canada. Eight students from the University of Sheffield are working as policy analysts with Sheffield’s…
27 April 2017
Written in the early 1970s by renowned anthropologist Marilyn Strathern, the manuscript for Before and After Gender: Sexual Mythologies of Everyday Life has remained in storage…
26 April 2017
The issue, as always, is where to draw the line between public safety and public knowledge. A new book argues that it’s the job of journalists and intelligence agencies to…
25 April 2017
Michael Clarke examines Obama's foreign policy legacy and Trump's grand strategy dilemma. Over the course of the tenure of President Barack Obama in the White House…
25 April 2017
This interview was conducted by Joel Sandhu for the Global Governance Futures – Robert Bosch Foundation Multilateral Dialogues, which bring together young professionals to…
24 April 2017
The world may be headed toward “peak globalization”. This shift could empower individuals and communities to strengthen democracy, while easing some of the most…
24 April 2017
Brexit, the rise of Donald Trump and the emergence of a new right-wing radicalism in both Europe and the United States signify fundamental developments in the political and…
21 April 2017
Duncan Green explores the intersection between academic research and development practitioners. I wrote a chapter on the NGO-Academia Interface for the recent IDS publication, The…
21 April 2017
Persistently high rates of income or wealth inequality are bad for social cohesion, political inclusion and crime. The evidence for this is overwhelming. Often, stubbornly high…