Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

30 January 2018
Leif Wenar explores how oil is being stolen from the people it belongs to. Donald Trump tweeted something true recently. Responding to the protests in Iran, the US president …
29 January 2018
The Rohingya Crisis is an eerie reminder that there is still room for genocide in the world we live in today. According to the latest UN reports, approximately 370,000 Rohingya…
25 January 2018
Materialism gets a bad press. There is an assumption that people who prioritise “things” are inherently selfish. The stereotype is that of highly materialistic people, living in a…
23 January 2018
On Friday 12 January, Professor Hubert Schmitz, development economist and Emeritus Fellow at the IDS, delivered a talk about the drivers of climate relevant policies in…
23 January 2018
Yemen is suffering one of the world’s largest humanitarian catastrophes. To resolve it, it is necessary to look beyond the national conflict. Yemen’s civil war is complex. It’s a…
22 January 2018
The proclaimed support of the EU for gender equality is seen as one element in a wider programme of colonization, whereby what was once Marxism is now replaced by gender politics…
21 January 2018
While there has been increasing attention paid to the role of emotions in international relations, generally the same cannot be said of international law –with some exceptions.…
18 January 2018
During academic seminars, any given question is 2.5 times more likely to be asked by a male than a female audience member. Alecia Carter reports on this research, which suggests…
17 January 2018
A ballistic missile warning alarm that was wrongly triggered in Hawaii recently rams home the importance of the way interfaces are designed to prevent such major bloopers from…
17 January 2018
How can we face up to the enormity of environmental collapse? How can we collectively build a politics for the Anthropocene? Laurie Laybourn-Langton interviews activist and former…