Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives

18 April 2018
Britain has an ignoble history of exploiting Caribbean people when they were ‘useful’, then casting them aside as insufficiently ‘British’ when they were not. Recent reports of…
17 April 2018
The nature of conflicts in the 21st century is characterized first and foremost by the influence of global factors on an unprecedented scale. The softening of political…
16 April 2018
Recently, Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and Angelina Jolie, a co-founder of the Preventing Sexual Violence in…
16 April 2018
The latest, and by far the most serious, round of US sanctions against Russia has shown two things very clearly—neither of which has received much publicity in the comments so…
13 April 2018
The process of assembling the International Space Station (ISS) started in 1998 and was completed in 2011, with five partners involved: Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia and the…
12 April 2018
The imbalances and inequities generated by the global economy cannot be tackled by protecting a few politically well-connected industries, using manifestly ridiculous national…
12 April 2018
Miriam Abaya discusses whether the recent spate of resignations by long-serving African leaders is a cause for hope among Africa’s youth. In 2017, the African continent…
11 April 2018
True power in the modern world lies in shifting the consensus to meet your aims — not in retreating until you have control in name only.  2017 was the year of principled power.…
10 April 2018
A host of new political developments both inside liberal democracies and across the globe, such as the rise of authoritarianism, extreme nationalism and a general backlash against…
10 April 2018
The Crisis of Citizenship in the Arab World edited by Roel Meijer and Nils Butenschøn. Leiden: Brill, 2017. 544 pp., €149 hardcover 9789004340565, €138 e-book 9789004340985 Given…