Comment & Opinion - Columnists Archives
Book Review - All Rise: The High Ambitions of the International Criminal Court and the Harsh Reality
All Rise: The high ambitions of the International Criminal Court and the harsh reality by Tjitske Lingsma. Utrecht: Ipso Facto 2017. 448 pp, €29.95 paperback 978-90-77386-20-0, $…
This post is the first in a weekly five part series from Jakob Vestergaard exploring reforms to the EMU that the Commission is hoping that member states will commit to at the end…
Five years ago, when I first heard about it, the idea had been all but forgotten. Most people I talked to had never heard of it either. Now, suddenly, it’s everywhere.
When humans’ genetic information (known as the genome) was mapped 15 years ago, it promised to change the world. Optimists anticipated an era in which all genetic diseases would…
Is fossil fuels divestment an effective strategy in tackling climate change? A newly released study by the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University…
Chiara Oldani describes the financial risks that could hit the G7 economies in the coming futures; most of them arise from nationalism in global financial regulation.
As the highly-anticipated film Black Panther is released in cinemas, Yolande Bouka discusses Afrofuturism tugs firmly on black memory, recalling the role of Africans in…
President Trump's sudden cancellation of the upcoming denuclearization summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is just the latest example of Trump's wildly erratic…
Human beings are filling the world with waste. Every year, we dump 2.1 billion tons of rubbish into the ecosystem. Eight million tons of that slips…
Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made headlines with his PowerPoint presentation on Iran’s nuclear program. Media outlets talked of a ‘bizarre PowerPoint’, a ‘…