------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS -------------------------------
Our aim at Global Policy: Next Generation is to seek out groundbreaking research in global policymaking and to provide a platform for doctoral and early-career researchers to publish research on-par with the most rigorous of academic journals.
As such, the aims of the editorial team behind Global Policy: Next Generation are designed to broaden horizons in terms of both content and authorship. We wish to publish work that pushes beyond the predominant Western-centric viewpoints in global policymaking and broadens the scope of policy research to include both macro and micro levels of global governance structures. In doing so, GPNG lays down a challenge to early career researchers around the globe to meet this need for innovative and transformational research ideas that have both theoretical value and practical impact with policymakers.
As a part of Global Policy, the new initiative GPNG benefits from the guidance of Eva-Maria Nag, the Founding Executive Editor, as well as members of the Editorial Board of Global Policy.
We are now commissioning articles for upcoming editions of GPNG. The editorial team is seeking work across a broad field of research interests. Our aim is not to produce thematic issues, but rather to stimulate cross-cutting debates around a range of global policy and collective action issues, from the environment and health to global poverty and security and beyond. We seek to bring to the fore ideas and research that are at the leading edge of policy work regarding issues that are multilevel – local and global, and micro and macro in size and impact. Importantly then, as an editorial team, we place no restrictions upon the content of submissions other than their relevance and impact to current and future policy issues worldwide.
If you would be interested in submitting an article for GPNG, please send a 500-word abstract on the research article and a two-page CV to next.generation@global-policy.com.
In your abstract please consider the following questions:
1. What is your main argument? Are your conclusions clearly stated?
2. What original contribution/s are you making to the field? Why are these contributions important?
3. What methodology are you using? What is your theoretical and empirical evidence?
4. What policy insights does your piece provide?
If you have any queries, or further questions regarding GPNG, please contact the editorial team at next.generation@global-policy.com.
Research Articles
Research Articles report and analyse new research, advance or challenge theory, and engage with scholarly controversy. Articles are limited to 8000 words and should show clear policy relevance.
When considering your research article submission please refer to Global Policy's submission guidelines.
Please also refer to the style guide.
Papers should be submitted online. For detailed instructions please go to: Wiley.com
Please contact the editorial team at next.generation@global-policy.com for further information or if you have any questions regarding submissions.
Policy Insights
Policy Insights are critical analyses of developments in policy design, policy making and policy implementation. They are shorter, in-depth analysis of specific case studies, fieldwork, policy examples, or other unique contributions to wider policy making fields. Policy Insights are 5,000 – 6,000 words in length and should engage with the pre-existing literature/field.
The originality of the Insight’s contribution comes in terms of its analysis and case study, and thus does not require an original contribution to the theoretical field. They should, however, include 3-5 actionable policy recommendations.
Whilst not a research article, a Policy Insight has an impact factor and would be published in the journal edition of GPNG if it successfully passes through peer-review.
Book Reviews
GPNG prioritizes reviews covering more than one book with the aim of summarizing the text, offering critical analysis of the content, and connecting the books into the larger academic and policy literature. They should be up to 1,500 words in length. Review essays of single books should be no more than 500 words. Book reviews are not peer reviewed but are published in the journal edition of GPNG.
Online Content
Global Policy: Next Generation accepts online only editorials ('op-eds') and book reviews of single books. Submissions should be 1,000 words maximum, and clearly connect to policy issues. These submissions are editorially reviewed, not peer reviewed, and do not carry an impact factor. GPNG also publishes multimedia online content in the form of Scholar Spotlight, podcasts, and book review videos.
Global Policy: Next Generation welcomes contributions from both early career researchers and practitioners, but retains the right to refuse any material that does not fit our editorial remit or publication standards which match those of Global Policy and can be found here.
If you are interested in submitting an opinion article, book review list or would like to be interviewed for a GPNG Podcast then please contact the editorial team at next.generation@global-policy.com