ORF Report - Beyond #Brexit: What Ails the European Union?

The European Union (EU) had been lurching from one crisis to the next even before a majority of British voters expressed their desire to leave it. While staying away from the Brexit debate itself, its implications for UK and EU, and the politics and motivations in the run-up to the vote, this paper argues that at the very least the referendum is a wake-up call for Europe to begin to address some of its structural and operational shortcomings in a substantial manner. Accordingly, a few observations from 'a' Indian perspective are put forth and may be worth considering as the EU moves towards a renewed and reformed version of itself.
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Samir Saran is Vice President of the Observer Research Foundation. Samir spearheads ORF's outreach and business development activities.After completing her Masters degree in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics at Free University Berlin, Ms.Petersen trained as a journalist at Axel Springer Journalism School in Berlin and became an editor for business and economics in the same company. Upon the inception of the German Financial Times, she joined their team in 2000 as editor for politics in South- and Southeast Asia in Berlin and later became their correspondent for South Asia.
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