The G7: Post-summit Analyses from the GLI team

This six below analyses represent the collected post-summit thoughts of the Global Leadership Initiative's team that covered the event for Global Policy.
The Global Leadership Initiative (GLI) publishes small articles and blogs that offer credible academic analysis of global summits and their implications for global politics. In particular, the GLI focuses on the furtherance of needed leadership (or lack thereof), holding world leaders to account, but also stressing new opportunities and past successes.
The following pieces were written by members of the GLI at the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Schloss Elmau, Germany. In each case, the GLI stresses the need for tangible global leadership at these summits and provides analysis examining how this is being advanced or diminished.
The G7 team: Garrett Wallace Brown, Hugo Dobson, Mihaela Gruia, Dominik Hatiar, Lucy Pedrick and Greg Stiles – Global Leadership Initiative, University of Sheffield. For more from the team, including thier initial blogs from the summit, please click here.