G7 Hiroshima
The 49th G7 summit will be held from 19 to 21 May 2023 in Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Gregory Stiles and Hugo Dobson will be there for the Global Leadership Initiaitve.
New Kid on the G7 Block: Is Rishi ready for Hiroshima?
To engage or not to engage? Japan’s relationship with civil society at the G7
G7 Schloß Elmau Summit 2022
Seven years ago, Global Policy supported a team of students and staff from the University of Sheffield to visit the Group of 7 (G7) Summit in Schloß Elmau, Germany. Observing developments from the International Media Centre (IMC), they produced a series of blogs and policy briefs that are available below.
After a brief pandemic-related hiatus, Global Policy returns to the G7. It is taking place in the same venue as seven years ago in Bavaria and provides an opportunity to evaluate how much (and little) has changed.
Summit Blogs
What a Difference Seven Years Make: G7 Leaders Then and Now by Hugo Dobson and Greg Stiles
The Perils of a Holiday in the Sun: When Domestic and Global Commitments Clash
G7 Charlevoix Summit 2018
The following pieces were written by members of the GLI team at the G7 Charlevoiz summit: Hannah Baron, Matthew Bishop, Joelle Cheong, Jessica Dam, Hugo Dobson, Leanne Gaffney-Berkley, Hannah McLennan, Samuel Ribansky, Charline Sempéré, James Snowden – Global Leadership Initiative, University of Sheffield.
Summit Blogs
School for Scandal at the Summit?
Self-Determination in Québec: will old sparks reignite as the eyes of the world fall on Charlevoix?
Colour is the New Black: The Role of Leaders' Fashion in Setting the Tone for the G7
Regulating the Robots: Canada’s Potential for Leading the Way with Responsible AI
Seven Up, or Seven Down: from G7 to G-Zero?
‘To Restrict or Not to Restrict’: Protest and Security at the G7 in Quebec
Is the ‘Trade War’ Tearing the G7 Apart?
Canada’s Shifting G7 Agenda: Where have all the plastics gone?
Policy Briefs
Trade War: What is it good for? - Matthew Louis Bishop
The G8 is Dead. Long Live the G7. - Hugo Dobson
Non-proliferation: Can the G7 Solve the North Korean and Iranian nuclear Threat? - Jessica Dam
Automation, AI and Applied Science: The New Technological Triple Threat? - Leanne Gaffney-Berkeley
G7 2018: Making Gender Inequality History? - Charline Sempéré
Gender Budgeting: A Step Towards a More Inclusive Society? - Hannah Baron
Gender on the Agenda: A Methodological Shift in the G7 - Joelle Cheong
G7 Taormina Summit 2017
The 43rd G7 summit took place in Taormina, Italy from 26 to 27 May 2017 with the declared mission of ‘Building the Foundations of Renewed Trust’ built on the three pillars of: 1) citizen safety; 2) economic, environmental and social sustainability and reduction of inequalities; and innovation, skills and labour in the age of the next production revolution.
This was the first G7 summit for several leaders including US President Donald Trump, British Prime Minister Theresa May and French President Emmanuel Macron.
The following pieces were written by members of the GLI team at the G7 Taormina Summit. The GLI team consists of Garrett Wallace Brown, Hugo Dobson, Rachael Bunyan, Adam Coles, Jack Hunnaball, Dinora Kruja, Yuma Osaki, Dale Riahi and Jo Weir.
Summit Blogs
Spotting the Difference? The G7 and “Anti-Protectionism”
Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty for G7 Gender Equality?
The Universe Stops at Land’s End: The Parochial British Media
Why use One Word when Two will do? The Length of the Summit Communiqué
Add Facebook as a Friend to Fight Terror
When World Leaders Meet: Handshakes and Snubs
The Manchester Attack and the G7: Locating a ‘Strong and Stable’ Response?
The Art of the Meal: The Logistics of Hosting a Successful G7 Summit
Rolling out the Green Carpet for Trump
Pleased to Meet You?: Trepidation for First-Time Summiteers
G7 Bounce? When Elections and Summits Clash
Policy Briefs
What Does the Taormina G7 Summit Mean for MENA Stability - Riahi
International Trade Governance and the G7 in the Trump and post-Brexit Era - Osaki
Global Opportunity or Fake Smiles_ Automation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Hunnaball
Gender-based Violence and the 2017 G7 Summit - Ignoring the Most Vulnerable - Bunyan
The Perennial North Korea Problem at the G7 Summit - Weir
When Bilateralism Trumps Multilateralism Japan-US Relations at the G7 - Dobson
G7 Leaders Summit, Ise-Shima, Japan 2016
The following pieces were written by members of the GLI team at the G7 Leaders Summit in Ise-Shima, Japan. The GLI team consists of Garrett Wallace Brown, John Casson, Rachel Claringbull, Hugo Dobson, Elliott Glover, John Jacobs, Magdalena Krakau, Gregory Stiles.
Summit Blogs
G7 Team - Obama Goes to Hiroshima: The Pros and Cons of Lame Duck Presidents
G7 Team - NGOs at the G7 Japan: Keep your friends close and your NGOs… well, further away
G7 Team - Abe’s efforts to win over the World’s Media
G7 Team - Advertising Opportunities Now Available at G7 Summits
G7 Team - Do you love Sake?: Cultural Promotion and G7 Politics
G7 Team - A New Age of Global Summitry?
G7 Team - GLI’s Cultural Exchange in Japan – a warm Welcome
G7 Team - The Political Logic of Logos
G7 Team - Global Summitry and the Beautiful Game
G7 Team - Brexit or Remain: Hope Springs Eternal in Sendai
G7 Team - Japan’s Gender Segregation: A Forward-Looking Policy or an Education Failure?
Policy Briefs
Brown - Global Health gets a Vital Injection at the G7 Japan Summit, but not the Cure
Krakau - Maritime Territorial Disputes and the G7 - the Limits of Agenda Setting
Dobson - Sino-Japanese Rivalry and a Potential Battle of the ‘Gs’
Jacobs - The DPRK at Ise-Shima 2016 – Strong on Rhetoric but Light on Solutions
Glover - G7 Relinquish Leadership on Climate Change to Members’ Discretion
Casson - The Global Economy: Where do we go from Here?
Stiles - Russia and the G7 - Coming Back in From the Cold
Claringbull - Women at the G7 – in need of a Little Less Conversation, a Little More Action
G7 Schloss Elmau, Germany 2015
The following pieces were written by members of the GLI at the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Schloss Elmau, Germany. In each case, the GLI stresses the need for tangible global leadership at these summits and provides analysis examining how this is being advanced or diminished.
Post-summit analyses
Hatiar - G7 Steps Up as a Catalyst of Global De-carbonisation
Gruia - Sustainable Decisions on Sustainable Development
Pedrick - Consistently inconsistent, The G7 and women
Stiles - The G7 summit, A failure of leadership over Ukraine
Dobson - The Curious Case of Japanese Leadership in Global Summitry
Brown - The 2015 G7 summit, A missed opportunity for global health leadership
Summit Blogs
The GLI team - 'Locals Boycott the G7 as Economically Damaging'
The GLI team - 'G7 Protests: Washed out and Dry on Substance'
The GLI team - 'The G7 Media Centre: Big on Talk, Light on Substance'?
The GLI team - Between G7 Leaders and the General Public: Is the Media being Held at Arm’s Length?
The GLI team - The J7 Summit: Youth Participation or Youth Isolation?