This series of articles and essays paint a wide, anthropological canvas that delves into the impact of the novel coronavirus on geopolitics, world trade, public health and policy, and socio-economic interactions. It shines a light on human behaviour, and our lives and livelihoods in broad strokes. The pandemic has overshadowed every global crisis—whether terrorism or hot wars, energy security or climate change—and will have lasting impacts on the attainability of sustainable development. The impact is international and domestic, global and local, on communities as well as on the individual.
To download the open access e-book for e-readers, including Kindles, please click here. For a PDF version please see here.
Pandemics Strike, Communities Respond
What Ghana Can Learn from Sierra Leone About Crisis Leadership - Casely Ato Coleman
Corona-Immunity as Resource and Opportunity for Emerging Markets - David Stadelmann, Reiner Eichenberger, Rainer Hegselmann, David Savage and Benno Torgler
Economic Vulnerabilities and Power Shifts in a Post-COVID-19 World - Dhruva Jaishankar
Doctors as Storytellers - Nikhila Natarajan
Bend it Like Kerala: How an Indian State is Holding its Own Against COVID-19 - Oommen C. Kurian
Coexisting with COVID-19: Saving Lives and the Economy - Samir Saran
A Viral Paradigm Shift
Measures to Address and Mitigate COVID-19 in OECD and BRICS Countries - Aleksandra Koval, Antonina Levashenko and Kirill Chernovol
Germany in the COVID-19 Crisis: More Robust than Other European Countries? - Heribert Dieter
The Future of International Cooperation in Times of Existential Crises - Jaimal Anand
Great Power Blame Game: The Ongoing War of Words Over COVID-19 - Melissa Conley Tyler and Tiffany Liu
Smaller South Asia: Competition for Influence Amid COVID-19 Response - Nilanthi Samaranayake
COVID-19: Reading the Tea Leaves in China - Vijay Gokhale
How to Fight a Common Battle Against COVID-19 in a Leaderless World - Xie Chao
Looking Back, Looking Forward
The World After COVID-19 - Amna Mirza
Technology in the Times of a Global Pandemic: Lessons from India - Arvind Gupta and Nipun Jain
The Pandemic in the Gulf: What it Portends for NRIs in the Region - Isaac John
Cohabiting with the Contagion: Lessons from History - Lakshmi Subramanian
Women Leaders are Doing Better in the COVID-19 Crises - Ravi Velloor