Cities are paramount to India's sustained economic growth, with the urban population expected to reach 590 million by 2031. This anticipated surge necessitates optimal, cost-efficient, and effective public transport systems for sustainable urban development. This volume is divided into three sections encompassing the critical aspects of multimodal transport integration: Institutional and Governance Integration, Physical and Operational Integration, and Fare and Information Integration. Essay contributors—including industry and government representatives, mobility service providers, researchers, and academics—identify the challenges and barriers, and recommend an actionable policy roadmap for urban India to transition toward integrated and sustainable multimodal transport systems.
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Introduction - Dhaval Desai and Nandan Dawda
Ensuring Coordinated Transport: Innovations in Institutional Integration for Multimodal Transport Systems
1) Towards Integrated Multimodal Transportation Systems in India - Poonam Sabikhi, C. Sathiya Narayanan, and Akila S.
2) The Significance of Parking in Integrated Multimodal Public Transport: A Case Study of Mumbai - Prachi Merchant and Dhaval Desai
3) Rethinking Governance to Accelerate the Transformation of Urban Mobility - Roshan Toshniwal
4) Policy Approaches to Integrate Micromobility with Urban Transport Systems - Damodar Pujari and Dhaval Desai
Enhancing Connectivity: Challenges and Strategies for Physical and Operational Integration of Multimodal Transport Systems
5) Organising Informal Public Transport - Nandan Dawda and Firsat Fasih Mulla
6) Physical and Operational Integration in Public Transport: Assessing the Regional Rapid Transit System in India’s National Capital Region - Samir Sharma
7) Reimagining Urban Mobility for Gender Inclusion in India Beyond Safety - Mitali Nikore and Brinda Juneja
8) Improving Bus Services and Fostering Multimodal Integration Using Smartphone GPS Datasets - Himani Jain and Krishna Khanna
Unlocking Seamless Mobility: Ways and Methods for Ensuring Informational and Fare Integration of Multimodal Transport Systems
9) Evaluating Trip Planner Performance Across Global Cities -Nandan Dawda
10) Multimodal Shared Mobility and Open Networks - Mohit Kalawatia and Balaje Rajeraman
11) Integrating Fares, Information, and Informal Transit - Partha Mukhopadhyay and Gurkirat Singh Juneja
12) Towards a Common Fare Policy for Metro Rail and Buses in Indian Cities - Aditya Rane