There has been a renewed effort to strengthen old international rules and regimes on nuclear security as well as to establish new ones. The Netherlands and India share concerns on nuclear security, given the threats both countries have to contend with. The Netherlands hosted the Nuclear Security Summit in March 2014, and is currently the international coordinator for the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism. India is planning to host a WMD Terrorism Summit before the end of 2018, a commitment the Indian Prime Minister made at the 4th Nuclear Security Summit (NSS).
This volume brings together four Indian scholars and four Dutch scholars to examine the issue of nuclear security from multiple perspectives, including theoretical and policy prisms. The primary objective of this volume is to understand and share Indian and Dutch knowledge, views and expertise related to global nuclear security issues generally, and specifically to continue the conversation after the 4th (and final) NSS.
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Global Nuclear Security:Time for a Proactive Approach - Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan and Allard Wagemaker
Nuclear Security: An Overview - R. Rajaraman
Bilateralism and Nuclear Security - Huib Pellikaan and Niels van Willigen
Mischief under the Nuclear Umbrella: Dynamics and Implications - Nicolas Blarel
India’s Contribution to Global Nuclear Security - Reshmi Kazi
Role of Export Controls for Nuclear Security in India - Rajiv Nayan
Evolving a Global Nuclear Security Regime: Future Institutions and Mechanisms - Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan