Edited by Malancha Chakrabarty and Navdeep Suri this volume aims to spell out what India's economic diplomacy should look like over the next decade.
Over a year since the pandemic hit, it is clear that the global political and economic landscape has been completely altered. The old ways of interacting with the world are unlikely to work in the post-pandemic world, and India must rethink its economic diplomacy programme for the next decade. It must move beyond government-to-government negotiations and agreements to include more plural and diverse stakeholders, such as representatives from the private sector, academia, philanthropic institutions and civil society, most of whom will be operating in distant locations. Economic diplomacy necessitates a collective beyond the government that will place brand India at the centre of all diplomatic relations.
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India’s Foreign Relations
1 The China Factor in India’s Economic Diplomacy - Madhu Bhalla
2 Unpacking the India-EU Economic Relationship - Ankita Dutta
3 India’s Developing Economic Ties with the Indo-Pacific - Natasha Bhaskar Jha
4 Exploring India’s Economic Diplomacy with the US - Dhruva Jaishankar
5 India-Gulf Ties Over the Next Decade: Navigating Frontier Areas for Cooperation - Talmiz Ahmad
6 India-Africa Relations: Partnership, COVID-19 Setback and the Way Forward - Malancha Chakrabarty
India’s Position on Key Issues
7 A Roadmap for Sustainable Food Security - Priya Rampal
8 Strengthening Climate Diplomacy: An Imperative for Indian Climate in the New Decade - Madhura Joshi
9 Understanding the Role of Health in Foreign Policy: The Indian Experience - Priyanka Pandit
10 Reorienting India’s Global Value Chains Post COVID-19 - Karishma Banga
11 An Indian Perspective on Reviving the World Trade Organization - Mohan Kumar
12 Sovereignty in a ‘Datafied’ World: A Framework for Indian Diplomacy - Arindrajit Basu
13 Strengthening India’s Developmental Diplomacy Through SDG Framework - Joyashree Roy, Nandini Das and Shreya Some
14 In Pursuit of Global Labour Mobility - Sangeet Jain
Framework and Architecture
15 Beyond Government: Role of New Actors in India’s Development Cooperation - Navdeep Suri and Anurag Reddy
16 Institutional Architecture for India’s Development Cooperation: A 2030 Vision - Vikrom Mathur