Volume 14, Issue 2, May 2023

Volume 14, Issue 2, May 2023

The May 2023 issue of Global Policy includes research articles on, among others, vaccine politics, European think tanks, the UN General Assembly and governing global crises. There is a special section on power, state legitimacy and counter-narratives in the Arab world. There are also policy insights on Ukraine and digital genetic resources.

Research Articles

Understanding and governing global systemic crises in the 21st century: A complexity perspective - Didier Wernli, Lucas Böttcher, Flore Vanackere, Yuliya Kaspiarovich, Maria Masood and Nicolas Levrat

Vaccine politics: Law and inequality in the pandemic response to COVID-19 - Matthew M. Kavanagh and Renu Singh

Politicising pandemics: Evidence from US media coverage of the World Health Organisation - Jeffrey King and Andrew Lugg

Public health clauses in international investment agreements: Sword or shield? - Anne Marie Thow, Wolfgang Alschner and Faisal Aljunied

How many people in the world do research and development? - Davut Emrah Ayan, Laurel L. Haak and Donna K. Ginther

Soft power in global governance: fsQCA of thematic specialization strategies of European think tanks - Vanessa Roger-Monzó and Fernando Castelló-Sirvent

Hawks in the making? European public views on nuclear weapons post-Ukraine - Michal Onderco, Michal Smetana and Tom W. Etienne

Environmental remediation as social archaeology: Excavating sites contaminated by early nuclear weapons activities in New York City, both literally and hermeneutically - Matthew Breay Bolton and Katherine Ketterer

How to assess economic progress in the era of discontinuity? - Marceli Hązła and Ewa Mińska-Struzik

Who cares about the UN General Assembly? National delegations size from 1993 to 2016 - Vaclav Vlcek

Special Section

Discursive challenges: Power, state legitimacy and counter-narratives in the Arab world - Tom Walsh and Betul Dogan-Akkas

The Iraqi state's legitimacy deficit: Input, output and identity-based legitimacy challenges - Jacob Eriksson and Isaac Grief

The moderation journey of Kurdish Islamism in the Kurdistan region of Iraq - Hardy Hasib Raza

Securitisation imperatives and the exaggeration of Iranian involvement with the Houthi movement by international actors - Tom Walsh

Policy Insights

The Ukraine crisis, the nuclear threat and the ICJ Opinion of 1996 - Peter Hilpold

Global governance for digital sequence information on genetic resources: Demand, progress and reforming paths - Geng Qin, Hanzhi Yu and Chao Wu

Response Article

Law, justice and the role of courts in changing the social superstructure narrative in climate litigation: A Rejoinder to Benoit Mayer - Friederike E. L. Otto, Petra Minnerop, Emmanuel Raju, Luke J. Harrington, Rupert F. Stuart-Smith, Emily Boyd, Rachel James, Richard G. Jones and Kristian C. Lauta

Release Date