Global Policy’s May 2017 issue contains, among others, research articles on openness in AI development, tax and multinational companies, the global economy gone mad, and planning in intergovernmental organizations. It has a special section on ‘Sustainability in Oceans Governance: The High Stakes of Blue Growth’, edited by Joris Larik and Abhijit Singh. It also features a survey article on the European Union's trade deal with Canada and a practitioner's commentary on United Nation’s next Secretary-General.
Research Articles
Nick Bostrom - Strategic Implications of Openness in AI Development
Matthew David and Debora J. Halbert - Intellectual Property & Global Policy
Or Raviv - Europe's Mea Culpa: A Global Economy Gone Mad or a Crisis of Our Own Making?
Ali Murat Kurşun and Emel Parlar Dal - An Analysis of Turkey's and BRICS’ Voting Cohesion in the UN General Assembly during 2002–2014
Ryan Federo and Angel Saz-Carranza - Devising Strategic Plans to improve Organizational Performance of Intergovernmental Organizations
Special Section - Sustainability in Oceans Governance: The High Stakes of Blue Growth, edited by Joris Larik and Abhijit Singh
Hongzhou Zhang and Fengshi Wu - China’s Marine Fishery and Global Ocean Governance
Claire van der Geest - Redesigning Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance for 21st Century Sustainability
Survey Article
Responses to Articles
Florence L. P. Damiens, Laura Mumaw, Anna Backstrom, Sarah A. Bekessy, Brian Coffey, Richard Faulkner, Georgia E. Garrard, Mathew J. Hardy, Alexander M. Kusmanoff, Luis Mata, Lauren Rickards, Matthew J. Selinske, Nooshin Torabi and Ascelin Gordon - Why Politics and Context Matter in Conservation Policy
Peter Kareiva and Emma Fuller - The Long and Short of Environmental Solutions
Practitioner Commentaries
Kemal Veli Açar - Organizational Aspect of the Global Fight against Online Child Sexual Abuse