Global Policy’s May 2016 issue contains, among others, research articles on ethics in warzones, human security, peace agreements, military expenditure and democracy promotion in fragile states. It has a special section on ‘Law and Negotiation in Conflict: Theory, Policy and Practice’, edited by Catherine Turner. It also features survey articles on Climate Change, Migration and the Cosmopolitan Dilemma; and the WTO in Nairobi.
Research Articles
Thomas G. Weiss - Ethical Quandaries in War Zones, When Mass Atrocity Prevention Fails
Mary Kaldor - How Peace Agreements Undermine the Rule of Law in New War Settings
Todd Sandler and Justin George - Military Expenditure Trends for 1960–2014 and What They Reveal
Juliet Johnson and Seçkin Köstem - Frustrated Leadership: Russia's Economic Alternative to the West
Survey Articles
David Held - Climate Change, Migration and the Cosmopolitan Dilemma
Special Section Articles
Catherine Turner - Editorial Comment: Law and Negotiation in Conflict: Theory, Policy and Practice
Martin Wählisch - Normative Limits of Peace Negotiations: Questions, Guidance and Prospects
Rashida Manjoo - Women, Peace and Security – Negotiating in Women's Best Interests
Aoife O'Donoghue - How Does International Law Condition Responses to Conflict and Negotiation?
Aisling Swaine - Law and Negotiation: A Role for a Transformative Approach?
Practitioner Commentaries
Jindra Cekan - How to Foster Sustainability