The February 2015 edition of Global Policy contains, among others, research articles on gridlock and accountability within international organisations, financing for international development, and cooperative initiatives for global climate governance. It also features survey articles on responses to the rise of 'killer robots' and the wider implications of the ideology and the politics of Rafael Correa's government in Ecuador. The issue's practitioners' commentaries focus on international organisations’ responses to the 'information revolution' and creativity within the United Nations.
Research Articles
Robert Wolfe - An Anatomy of Accountability at the WTO
Survey Articles
Denise Garcia - Killer Robots: Why the US should Lead the Ban
Martin Calisto Friant and John Langmore - The Buen Vivir: A Policy to Survive the Anthropocene?
Practitioner Commentaries
Sven Güsmann - Thinking Outside The United Nations Box: Barriers To Creativity Within The UN System
Response to Article
Xiaohe Cheng - Harmony with Diversity: Some Ignored Facts
Review Essay
Ferdinand Arslanian - The Civil War in Syria: The International Dimension