Vol 4, Issue 4, November 2013

Vol 4, Issue 4, November 2013

The November 2013 edition of Global Policy contains two special sections. The first, ‘International Animal Protection’, edited by Alasdair Cochrane, examines the scope for improving international legal protections for animal welfare. While the second, 'Globalising Justice: A Multidimensional Approach', edited by Valentina Gentile, contains articles dealing with diversity in the search for global justice, including the role of Sharia, Human Rights discourse, colonialism and the ongoing poverty debate. Alongside a review essay on conflict minerals in the DRC, the issue also contains research articles on identity and war, diplomacy over the Arctic and Islamic feminism.


Research Articles

Devi Sridhar and Ngaire Woods - Trojan Multilateralism: Global Cooperation in Health (OnlineOpen article)

Mary Kaldor - Identity and War

Corneliu Bjola - Keeping the Arctic ‘Cold’: The Rise of Plurilateral Diplomacy?

Zaid Eyadat - Islamic Feminism: Roots, Development and Policies

Special Section - International Animal Protection, edited by Alasdair Cochrane

Alasdair Cochrane - International Animal Protection: An Introduction

Oscar Horta - Expanding Global Justice: The Case for the International Protection of Animals

Stuart R. Harrop - Wild Animal Welfare in International Law: The Present Position and the Scope for Development

Steven White - Into the Void: International Law and the Protection of Animal Welfare

Special Section - Globalising Justice: A Multidimensional Approach, edited by Valentina Gentile

Valentina Gentile - Global Justice as Recognition: Dealing with Diversity in a Pluralised World

Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im - Human Rights, Universality and Sovereignty: The Irrelevance and Relevance of Sharia

Francesca M. Corrao - ‘Ijtihad’ and ‘Relevance of Sharia’ to Contextualize Universal Human Rights Discourse

Domenico Melidoro - Sharia and Human Rights: Hemeneutics and the Risks of State-centrism

Rajeev Bhargava - Overcoming the Epistemic Injustice of Colonialism

Aakash Singh - Deparochializing the Global Justice Debate, Starting with Indian Political Theory

Neera Chandhoke - The Great Global Poverty Debate: Is Something Missing?

Valentina Gentile - ‘Epistemic Injustice’ and the ‘Right Not to Be Poor’: Bringing Recognition into the Debate on Global Justice

Survey Articles

Andrew F. Cooper and Asif B. Farooq - BRICS and the Privileging of Informality in Global Governance

Andrea Koch et al. - Soil Security: Solving the Global Soil Crisis

Practitioner Commentaries

Lenias Hwenda - Towards a Balanced and Sustainable Global Health Innovation and Access Policy

Sasidaran Gopalan, Ammar A. Malik and Kenneth A. Reinert - The Renewed Hope of Multilateralism in South Asia: Applying the MFN Principle to Pakistan–India Trade

Review Essay

Jeroen Cuvelier, Jose Diemel and Koen Vlassenroot - Digging Deeper: the Politics of ‘Conflict Minerals’ in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo






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