Vol 3, Issue 3, September 2012

Vol 3, Issue 3, September 2012

The September 2012 issue of Global Policy Journal contains articles on establishing a new global economic council; small arms trafficking; fragile states; economic nationalism and the inclusiveness of global policy. Edited by Tikki Pang and Kelley Lee, the special section focuses on ‘Global Health Governance and the Rise of Asia’.


Research Articles

Robert H. Wade and Jakob Vestergaard - Establishing a new Global Economic Council: Governance Reform at the G20, IMF and World Bank

Faizel Ismail - Reflections on a new Democratic South Africa’s Role in the Multilateral Trading System

Sam Pryke - Economic Nationalism: Theory, History and Prospects

Garrett Wallace Brown - Distributing Who Gets What and Why: Four Normative Approaches to Global Health

Matt Bolton, Eiko Elize Sakamoto and Hugh Griffiths - Globalization and the Kalashnikov: Public-Private Networks in the Trafficking and Control of Small Arms

Furio Cerutti - Two Global Challenges to Global Governance

Special Section - Global Health Governance and the Rise of Asia

Yeling Tan, Kelley Lee and Tikki Pang - Global Health Governance and the Rise of Asia

Ann Florini, Karthik Nachiappan, Tikki Pang and Christine Pilcavage - Global Health Governance: Analysing China, India and Japan as Global Health Aid Donors

Kelley Lee, Adam Kamradt-Scott, Sungwon Yoon and Jingying Xu - Asian Contributions to Three Instruments of Global Health Governance

Survey Articles

Kevin P. Gallagher - Financial Crises and International Investment Agreements: The Case of Sovereign Debt Restructuring

Indira Rajaraman - Fiscal Impact of Trade Tariff Cuts: Long-Series Historical Evidence

Parag Khanna - How Multi-Stakeholder is Global Policy?

Practitioner Commentaries

Frank Vibert - Reforming International Rule Making

Review Essay

Monica Thakur - Fragile States: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Reality?


Release Date