Vol 3, Issue 2, May 2012

Vol 3, Issue 2, May 2012

The May 2012 issue of Global Policy Journal contains articles on global inequalities; the obstacles to achieving the millennium development goals in Africa; the EU’s contributions towards global governance and a special section on the ‘Policy Agendas for the Future of Global Energy’ introduced by Joonkyu Park and Han van der Hoorn.

Research Articles

Branko Milanovic - Global Inequality: From Class to Location, from Proletarians to Migrants

Khusrav Gaibolloev, Todd Sandler and Charlinda Santifort - Assessing the Evolving Threat of Terrorism

Attila Agh - Global Governance and Integrative Balancing: The EU efforts to Respond to the Global Challenge

Stefan Collignon - Rebalancing the Global Economy

David Held and Thomas Hale - Gridlock and Innovation in Global Governance: The Partial Transnational Solution

Special Section - Policy Agendas for the Future of Global Energy

Andreas Goldthau - Introduction: Policy Agendas for the Future of Global Energy

Fatih Birol - Energy for All: The Next Challenge

Shonali Pachauri, Diana Ürge-Vorsatz and Michael LaBelle - Synergies between Energy Efficiency and Energy Access Policies and Strategies

Andreas Goldthau - From the State to the Market and Back. Policy Implications of Changing Energy Paradigms

Survey Articles

Joonkyu Park and Han van der Hoorn - Financial Crisis, SWF Investing, and Implications for Financial Stability

Xavier Basurto and Mateja Nenadovic - A Systematic Approach to Studying Fisheries Governance

E.Richard Gold and Jean Frederic Morin - Promising Trends in Access to Medicines

Practitioner Commentaries

Andreas Klasen - Generating Economic Growth – How Governments can Help Successfully

Michael DaCosta - IMF Governance Reform and the Board’s Effectiveness

John Kakonge - Challenges of Achieving Millennium Development Goals in Africa by 2015: Some Reflections

Michael Chibba - Behavioural Economics and International Development

Review Essay

Jeffrey Haynes - Religion, Politics and International Relations: Change and Continuity


Daniel Falkiner - Old & New Terrorism

Adnan Naseemullah - Faultines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy

Jo Thori Lind - The Haves and the Have-Nots: A brief and idiosyncratic history of inequality around the globe

Douglas Bulloch - The Better Angels in Our Nature: The Decline of Violence in History and Its Causes

Stephen Cooke - Zoopolis: a political theory of animal rights


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