Vol 2, Issue 3, October 2011

Vol 2, Issue 3, October 2011

The October 2011 issue of Global Policy includes articles that examine the relationship between crises and inequality; human rights and migration; democracy and international law; and peace and justice in the Former Yugoslavia. It also includes a special section on the OECD at 50 introduced by Judith Clifton and Daniel Díaz-Fuentes.

Research Articles

Robert E. Goodin and Steven R. Ratner - Democratizing International Law

Stephen Castles - Bringing Human Rights into the Migration and Development Debate

Ronald U. Mendoza - Crises and Inequality: Lessons from the Global Food, Fuel, Financial and Economic Crises of 2008–10

Terutomo Ozawa - The (Japan-Born) ‘Flying-Geese’ Theory of Economic Development Revisited – and Reformulated from a Structuralist Perspective

Mark Zeitoun - The Global Web of National Water Security

Special Section - The OECD at 50

Judith Clifton and Daniel Díaz-Fuentes - The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development 1961–2011: Challenges for the Next 50 Years

Judith Clifton and Daniel Díaz-Fuentes - From ‘Club of the Rich’ to ‘Globalisation à la carte’? Evaluating Reform at the OECD

Jean-Marc Coicaud and Jin Zhang - The OECD as a Global Data Collection and Policy Analysis Organization: Some Strengths and Weaknesse

Angel Gurría - The OECD at 50: Past Achievements, Present Challenges and Future Directions

Survey Articles

Jasper Kim - Law of War 2.0: Cyberwar and the Limits of the UN Charter

Practitioner Commentaries

Justice Richard Goldstone -Dealing with the Past: Peace and Justice in the Former Yugoslavia

Salil Shetty - Human Rights and Natural Disasters: Mitigating or Exacerbating the Damage?

Bob Tarrant - Delivering Maritime Power in the Age of Interconnectivity

Helmut Kaiser - The Eurozone: Challenges and Structural Problems

Responses to Articles

Faizel Ismail - Developing Countries Create Momentum for Change in the WTO

Michael Chibba -Current and Future Global Development Goals

Review Essay

Ben O’Loughlin - Information Overload, Paradigm Underload? The Internet and Political Disruption


Auriane Guilbaud - Transnational Actors in Global Governance: Patterns, Explanations, and Implications

Peter Willetts - The South in World Politics

Thierry Soret - World-Regional Social Policy and Global Governance: New Research and Policy Agendas in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America

Andrea Filippetti - The Global Environment of Business

Release Date