Special Issue Articles
Our Common Agenda and its implementation: An introduction - Jan Wouters and María C. Latorre
Our common metrics? Our Common Agenda report and the epistemic infrastructure of the Sustainable Development Goals - Justyna Bandola-Gill
Contribution of subnational authorities to multilateralism from the EU perspective—Implementation of the SDGs - Michał Dulak
Implementing the Humanitarian-development-peace nexus in a post-pandemic world: Multilateral cooperation and the challenge of inter-organisational dialogue - Eugenia Baroncelli
COVID-19 and the fiscal and monetary challenges to implementing Our Common Agenda - Nicholas Sowels
A fairer and more resilient multilateral trading system will require a reinvigorated WTO - Robert B. Koopman and Mary Lisa Madell
Tools and data for the analysis of gender policies: A review - Lorenzo Escot, María C. Latorre and José Andrés Fernández-Cornejo