This special issue of Global Policy brings together leading experts from Asia, Europe and North America to examine the international institutions, national governance mechanisms, financing systems, devastating corruption and human rights abuses that together will determine the future of the energy sector. Although national governments play the dominant role in energy governance, the challenges facing policy makers are beyond the scope of any single national government to manage, making energy policy a key component of global governance and international relations.
Research Articles
Navroz K. Dubash and Ann Florini - Mapping Global Energy Governance
Andreas Goldthau and Jan Martin Witte - Assessing OPEC’s Performance in Global Energy
Ann Florini - The International Energy Agency in Global Energy Governance
Bo Kong - Governing China’s Energy in the Context of Global Governance
Navroz K. Dubash - From Norm Taker to Norm Maker? Indian Energy Governance in Global Context
Peter Newell - The Governance of Energy Finance: The Public, the Private and the Hybrid
Smita Nakhooda - Asia, the Multilateral Development Banks and Energy Governance
Ann Florini and Saleena Saleem - Information Disclosure in Global Energy Governance