The evolution of democracy within and outside the EU is increasingly finding itself under critical scrutiny. Indeed there is agreement across the various contributions to this special issue, guest edited by Helmut K. Anheier, that the state of democratic systems has deteriorated – not only in Europe but also in the United States. Consequently it contains contributions by academics and practitioners that analyse democracy from a variety perspectives including philosophy, history, sociology, the economy and international development. It seeks to forward the process of critical exchange between researchers and policy makers to develop effective and sustainable solutions for future policy challenges.
Helmut K. Anheier - Current Trajectories of Democracy – Diagnosis, Implications, Proposals
A rollback of democracy: approaches
Ewa Atanassow - Rollback of Democracy? A Tocquevillean Perspective
Dario Castiglione - Trajectories and Transformations of the Democratic Representative System
Arndt Leininger - Direct Democracy in Europe: Potentials and Pitfalls
A rollback of democracy: regional perspectives
Béla Greskovits - The Hollowing and Backsliding of Democracy in East Central Europe
Elisabeth Kotthaus - External Democracy Promotion and Protection: the EU Approach
Didi Kuo and Nolan McCarty - Democracy in America, 2015
A rollback of democracy: issues
Bernhard Weßels - Political Culture, Political Satisfaction and the Rollback of Democracy
Jonathan White - When Parties Make Peoples
Alina Mungiu-Pippidi - Fixing Europe Is About Performance, Not Democracy