Turbulent and Mighty Continent: What Future for Europe by Anthony Giddens. Cambridge: Polity, 2013. 224 pp., £16.99 hardcover 978 0745680965, £9.99 paperback 978 0745680972, £7.49 e-book 978 0745681276
The Future of Europe: Democracy, Legitimacy and Justice after the Euro Crisis edited by Serge Champeau, Carlos Closa, Daniel Innerarity and Miguel Poaires Maduro. London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2014. 304 pp., £75 hardcover 978 1783481125, £24.95 paperback 978 1783481132, £24.95 e-book 978 1783481149
Challenges for Europe in the World, 2030 edited by John Eatwell, Terry McKinley and Pascal Petit. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014. 408 pp., £72 hardcover 978 1472419255, £25 paperback 978 1472419262, £25 e-book 978 1472419279
These three books are published at a crucial time for the EU, which has been embroiled in a profound internal crisis since the onset of the economic turmoil that resulted from the financial crisis in the US in 2007–08.
Photo credit: Christina Kekka / Foter / CC BY